HomeCoverDoes Health Insurance Cover Birth Control Pills

Does Health Insurance Cover Birth Control Pills

Can I Get Free Birth Control Without Insurance

Does Health Insurance Cover Birth Control?

The cost of birth control without insurance coverage can be quite expensive. But getting birth control or other womens healthcare without health insurance isnt impossible, and sometimes you can even find it for free.

One of the main goals of the Affordable Care Act is to expand the Medicaid program. Because Medicaid provides full coverage of family planning services, increasing access to Medicaid also expands access to womens health care and contraception coverage for American women.

However, each state is different in terms of what services the Medicaid plan offers. In general, a variety of birth control methods like intrauterine devices , diaphragms, or getting your tubes tied are available. But, over-the-counter methods, like oral contraceptives and the sponge are covered less often.

If you dont qualify for Medicaid, you can access free womens health services. These often include birth control and emergency contraception . You can find these at public health centers like Planned Parenthood to smaller, free birth control clinics. A lot of Planned Parenthood locations offer a variety of birth control methods for free or at a low cost. Some even offer payment plans or sliding scale payments depending on your income.

Who Is Covered Under Medicaid Expansion

The Affordable Care Act allows states to expand their Medicaid programs to cover individuals and families with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level. With this expansion, many more women are eligible to get their birth control paid for by Medicaid. Go to Healthcare.gov’s Medicaid expansion information to see if your state has expanded coverage.

Also, some states have chosen a separate option created to provide family planning services and supplies to certain individuals. You can contact your state Medicaid agency to find out if you are eligible for coverage under this option.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: “Committee Opinion: Benefits to Women of Medicaid Expansion Through the Affordable Care Act,” January 2013.

Healthcare.gov: “Is my state expanding Medicaid coverage?”

Medicaid.gov: “Eligibility.”

HHS.gov: âAdministration takes steps to ensure womenâs continue access to contraception coverage, while respecting religious-based objections.â

Is Birth Control Free Under The Aca

Before the birth control mandate passed, women were required to pay out-of-pocket costs for birth control alongside their health insurance premium and yearly deductible. After the birth control mandate was signed into law, women in the United States no longer had to pay those out-of-pocket costs, as the ACA required insurance companies to cover contraceptive methods and counseling even if they hadnt met their deductibles.

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Does Health Insurance Cover Birth Control

Trying to figure out exactly what your health insurance covers and doesnt cover can seem like a daunting task. Due to the rocky political climate, what health insurance includes and doesnt include can be complicated, as things are ever-changing. The Affordable Care Act , changed the scope of coverage, as it automatically required all health insurance plans to cover certain pre-existing conditions and services birth control being one of them.

You Have An Iud Or Implant

Birth Control Must be Covered by Health Insurance ...
  • Implants last 4 years and IUDs last 3 12 years so youre probably protected for a little while longer.

  • If you do have to get your contraceptive device removed soon, the procedure itself can cost up to $300. Contact your local Planned Parenthood health center as they may charge you less, with or without insurance.

  • After removal, you can look at other birth control options to continue preventing pregnancy, and save with GoodRx.

Prices shown are average GoodRx discounted prices as of Nov 2, 2017. Local results may vary.

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Can Pharmacists Prescribe Birth Control Pills

Rexall pharmacists can prescribe all drugs except narcotics and controlled substances. As with your GP, before they prescribe, they will need to assess your health condition. Take birth control for example. Instead of having to go to your doctors office, Albertan patients can now just head to their local pharmacy.17 juil. 2020

Where Can I Get Birth Control Pills

You need a prescription for birth control pills. You can get a prescription from a doctor or nurse at a doctors office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center. In a few states, you can even get a prescription online or directly from a pharmacist.

During your visit, a nurse or doctor will talk with you about your medical history, check your blood pressure, and give you whatever exams you may need. Most people dont need pelvic exams in order to get birth control pills. Your nurse or doctor will help you decide whats right for you based on your medical history.

You may be able to get your birth control pills right away during your appointment. Or youll get a prescription from the nurse or doctor, and youll go pick up your pills at a drugstore or pharmacy.

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What If You Dont Have Health Insurance

If you dont have Marketplace or employer-sponsored health insurance, or Medicaid, there are ways that you can get birth control. Planned Parenthood and other similar womans reproductive health organizations, do offer contraception. Planned Parenthood provides no- or low-cost healthcare services for women, including annual exams, STD screenings, birth control, and assistance with pregnancy. If you need birth control and dont have health insurance, this organization which has offices in all states will help you find the best option to meet your needs.

The cost of birth control without health insurance will vary and is largely dependent on the form that you choose. Generally, hormonal birth control pills are the most cost-effective theyre also highly reliable. The NuvaRing, a contraceptive thats inserted vaginally, is just as effective as the pill, but it usually costs more. Implants are also very effective at preventing pregnancy however, they tend to have the highest out-of-pocket cost.

What Can Uninsured Women Do To Get Low


Women who are unemployed, or who make below a certain annual yearly income may be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid eligibility requirements vary per state. Before the ACA, Medicaid programs were required to cover specific, but not all forms of birth control. Most Planned Parenthood clinics will accept Medicaid insurance plans for birth control and always have a sliding scale. Pandia Health established the Pandia Health Birth Control Fund to cover birth control medications and annual online doctors visits for those with financial need.

For women who are uninsured, insured through an employer, and are not eligible for Medicaid, they can still find free, or low-cost birth control. Planned Parenthood offers free and low-cost birth control for women who qualify, and certain healthcare providers may provide inexpensive birth control.

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How Much Effort Am I Willing To Put Into My Birth Control

Some birth control methods require more effort than others. Be honest about how much effort you are willing to put into birth control. Birth control must be used correctly in order to prevent pregnancy. If you are not comfortable with or might not consistently use a birth control method for any reason, that method is not likely to be reliable for you in the long run.

  • Long-acting reversible contraception , such as IUDs, works to prevent pregnancy for 3 to 10 years. Once it is in place you don’t need to do anything.
  • Hormone shots are needed every 3 months.
  • Barrier methods can interrupt sex and must be used every time you have sex. Diaphragms are not widely available in Canada. Buying the necessary spermicidal jelly to use with the diaphragm is difficult.
  • Combination pills are taken each day. Progestin-only pills must be taken at the same time each day. If you miss a pill you will need to use a backup birth control method.
  • Patches are replaced 3 times each month.
  • Vaginal rings are inserted into the vagina one time each month.
  • Fertility awareness requires that a couple chart the time during a woman’s menstrual cycle when she is most likely to become pregnant and avoid intercourse or use a barrier method during that time.
  • Sterilization is a surgical procedure done for men or women who decide that they do not want to have any children. Sterilization is intended to be permanent.

When To Talk To Your Health Care Provider About Birth Control

Talk to your health care provider. Emergency contraception is usually recommended if youve had unprotected intercourse during the time you have missed your birth control pills. In the United States, women of all ages can without a prescription. Does it mean Im pregnant if I dont get my menstrual period while Im on the Pill? Not usually.

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Getting The Most Coverage And Cost Savings

To keep your birth control costs as low as possible, make sure to select the right plan for your needs.

Talk with your healthcare provider, insurance company, or benefits administrator to be sure the medications you need are covered under the plans youre considering.

Its also important to check your plans requirements before you choose a birth control method.

When To See A Doctor

Birth Control Pills

Sexually active people may wish to consider contacting a doctor about the best choice of birth control for them. A doctor can help a person to make informed choices regarding their birth control, find a method that will work for them, and offer screenings for STIs.

A person should contact a doctor about birth control if:

  • they want to use a hormonal birth control method, an IUD, or are considering surgical birth control
  • if they have been using birth control and are now considering becoming pregnant
  • if they have been using birth control and would like to change their method
  • if they experience sudden menstrual cycle changes or other new or concerning symptoms
  • they think they may be pregnant

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Costs Can Vary Due To Long

While it may appear that certain methods such as condoms, sponges, diaphragms, patches, or birth control pills cost less out of pocket, they may end up costing more over time. In fact, long-acting reversible contraceptives such as the IUD or birth control implant may be more cost-effective than initial lower-cost options after a couple years of use, Dr. Upadhya says.

Obtaining many forms of contraception, including IUDs and implants, requires at least one visit to a healthcare providers office to get a prescription or insertion. Planned Parenthood is offering some aspects of provider visits for IUDs via telehealth because of the coronavirus pandemic, and is doing what it can to shorten in-person visits to reduce potential risk of COVID-19 exposure for both patients and health center staff, since social distancing is still necessary as the pandemic persists.

To help you compare the costs, effectiveness, and other details of different birth control methods, the Bedsider Method Explorer has comparative charts online.

What Does Cigna Not Cover

The following services are excluded from coverage regardless of clinical indications Macromastia or Gynecomastia Surgeries Surgical treatment of varicose veins Rhinoplasty Blepharoplasty Redundant skin surgery Removal of skin tags Acupressure Craniosacral/cranial therapy Dance therapy,

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What To Do If You Miss Your Period On Birth Control Pills

Just start a new pack of pills at the usual time. But if you are concerned, or skip 2 periods in a row, youre still probably fine, but check with your health care provider and get a pregnancy test. If you miss any pills and miss your period, keep taking your pills, but see your health care provider for a pregnancy test.

Other Options For Low

Health insurance plans must cover birth control as preventive care for women, with no copays, the Ob

Low-income families may qualify for healthcare under Medicaid.

Medicaid is a jointly-funded state and federal program that provides low-cost health assistance to low-income families, pregnant people, and people with disabilities.

The birth control methods that are covered by Medicaid may vary from state to state. A person can check with their states Medicaid office to find which types of birth control are covered by Medicaid.

People with a low income who are not on Medicaid can check with their local public health department, family planning clinic, or Title X clinic to see if they could access a free or low-cost exam.

These clinics and offices may scale the price of their services based on a persons income.

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How Much Does Birth Control Cost Without Insurance

The cost of contraception without insurance varies depending on the method you chose. Some methods are more expensive than others. Organizations like Planned Parenthood will work with you, based on your income, to provide access to contraception if you do not have insurance.

The pill is one of the most cost-effective and reliable methods and can cost up to $50. NuvaRing is good for one month at a time and may cost up to $80. Other highly successful methods such as the implant can cost well over $1,000. If you can’t afford the method that fits your needs visit your local Planned Parenthood office to discuss your options.

If you are in need of affordable health insurance, you should speak with a broker who can find you the best plan possible. The process of trying to find a plan that works well for you and is affordable can be quite daunting. Fortunately, there are resources that will help you along the way. Use this guide for advice on how to pick the best plan that works for you. You can also visit First Quote Health to get a free quote from an insurance agent.

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So How Does The Birth Control Mandate Affect You

Every year in the United States, 600 to 700 women die because of complications associated with pregnancy. Reducing unintended pregnancy is an important element of addressing the unacceptably high maternal mortality rate in the United States. By providing free or low cost options, the federal government is allowing American women to decide when and how they become pregnant. Thus granting them full autonomy over their own bodies, not to mention their lives.

The financial benefits of free birth control for women are obvious as well. In 2013, just a year after the mandate took effect, women saved nearly $500 million on out-of-pocket-costs for birth control. Thanks to the mandate, many women no longer have to choose between paying for birth control and paying for other necessities, like groceries and utilities.

Access to birth control also provides health benefits for women and children. And improves womens ability to control whether and when they have children. The ability to plan pregnancies allows women the time and finances to invest in their own education and careers and participate more fully in the workforce. This benefits not only themselves and their families but also the society as a whole.

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Will My Doctor Exam Also Be Free If I Get A Prescription For Birth Control At That Appointment

Often, yes. Your well-woman visits are covered with no out-of-pocket costs to you under the Affordable Care Act. During this visit, your doctor can tell you about the types of birth control available to you and write you a prescription. However, if during the visit the doctor diagnoses or treats you for another medical condition, you will likely have to pay out-of-pocket costs for the visit.

The Supreme Court Decision Predominantly Affects Bipoc Poor Rural Women

Does My Health Insurance Cover Birth Control

In rural areas, there are typically fewer businesses to choose from as employers for the residents who live there. Teleworking or remote jobs may be difficult to find. The pandemic has contributed to historic job losses and furloughs. In this kind of economic landscape, limitations on birth control access affect impoverished people and women in the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color populations more directly.

The result of this ruling will be to deny women access to basic reproductive healthcare, and the burden will once again fall most heavily on women of color, women living in rural areas and women with limited means, says Sealy. This decision also represents one more barrier for Black women whose health is already disproportionately impacted by systemic inequities that further limit their access to critical reproductive healthcare services.

Similarly, the decision will only make life harder for the very people who are keeping our economy afloat during this pandemic and fighting in the streets for the right to control their bodies and lives, said McGill Johnson.

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The Cost Of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills, often referred to as the pill, are a prescription form of birth control that typically contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Together, these hormones prevent pregnancy by stopping ovaries from releasing eggs, thickening cervical mucus so sperm cannot reach an egg as easily, and making the uterus a less effective environment for a fertilized egg.

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act under former President Barack Obama, the out-of-pocket cost of the birth control pill has decreased dramatically. Prior to the ACA Contraceptive Provision in 2012, about 15% of people on birth control pills were paying no out-of-pocket costs for oral contraceptives, like the birth control pill. According to our research using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey , that percentage jumped to nearly 67% in 2017-2018, which is consistent with other scientific literature.

While the majority of people using the birth control pill are able to get it for free, many end up paying out of pocket if they lack insurance, have a copay, or find that their insurer doesnt cover their preferred birth control.

Among people that pay for birth control pills, the average annual out-of-pocket expenditure is $226 for the insured population and $268 for those without insurance. This is an additional expense on top of any required out-of-pocket payment to the doctor for initial consultations, which average $87 annually.

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