Member Benefits & Handbooks
HUSKY Healthâs Member Handbooks give you details on your medical benefits and information on all of your HUSKY benefits and services. The Quick Guides below give you a brief overview of all of your HUSKY benefits and services with where to call for more information. For details on your dental health, behavioral health, pharmacy, and non-emergency medical transportation benefits and services, please use the buttons below.
Helpful Information To Bring To Your Appointment:
- Please bring 2 forms of ID, for example:
- Drivers License, Passport, State ID, Social Security Card
How Do Uninsured Students Get Health Insurance
If you reside in WA and dont have health insurance, you will need to seek coverage through Washington Health Plan Finder, Washington states health insurance marketplace. It is also known as the exchange. International students can find information here on how to get health insurance during periods when they are not covered by ISHIP.
Out-of-state families should note that none of the insurance options available in Washington State will provide coverage for routine care outside of Washington. Plans available through the marketplace only provide emergency coverage out-of-state.
Living in another US state or territory? Use to find your marketplace and apply for insurance.
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What Is Health Insurance
Health insurance is essential for students because it protects you from paying the full cost of health care. There are two main kinds of health insurance that are relevant to students:
- Private health insurance plans are contracts between you and an insurer. All plans include out-of-pocket costs like premiums, deductibles and coinsurance. You might have private insurance through an employer, parent, or spouse. You can also purchase private insurance as an individual. In Washington State, private insurance is only available for purchase through Washington Health Plan Finder .
- Medicaid , a government health insurance plan for low-income people who are US citizens or green card holders of 5 years or more. The state and federal government cover the cost of care for people who are enrolled in Medicaid. In Washington State, Medicaid contracts with insurance companies, called managed care organizations, to handle billing and other administrative functions for people with who are eligible. Each person on Medicaid chooses one of these companies as their Apple Health plan.
Most UW students have in-state or out-of-state private insurance. About 25% of Seattle students have Washington State Medicaid, also known as Apple Health. Students with private health insurance should be prepared for out-of-pocket costs, such as premiums, deductibles and coinsurance. Medicaid has no costs associated with it as long as you only seek covered services with contracted providers.
Apply For Medicaid In Connecticut
For HUSKY A, B or D: online at, under Get Health Coverage by mail by phone at 1-855-805- 4325For HUSKY C and Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities: online at, under Apply for Benefits submit application in English or Spanish by mail to address listed below.For long-term care benefits, submit application in English or Spanish to the Long-Term Care Application Center for your county.
Eligibility: HUSKY A: Children ages 0-18 with incomes up to 196% FPL pregnant women with incomes up to 258% FPL parents of dependent children with incomes up to 155% of FPL.HUSKY B: Children up to 318% of FPLHUSKY C/MED-Connect: Aged, blind and disabled beneficiaries who meet income and asset criteriaHUSKY D: Childless adults with incomes up to 138% of FPL
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Health And Medical Services Typically Covered
- Hospital services both inpatients and outpatients
- Skilled physician care
- Pediatric and family nurse practitioners
- Community health clinics
- Screening, diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases or impairments
- Prescriptions
In order to qualify for benefits covered in this program, you must be:
- A beneficiary of Temporary Family Assistance .
- A beneficiary of State Supplement for the Aged, Blind or Disabled .
- A parent or a caretaker relative with income at or below 185% Federal Poverty Level.
- A child under 19 years old.
- A Teenager aged 19 and 20 with very low income
- Pregnant with an income under 250% Federal Poverty Level
- Employed and disabled earning more than the traditional income limits
- Severely disabled individual and can be cared for at home and are eligible for Medicaid if the legally liable relative’s income is not counted when determining eligibility
- A refugee – Refugees receives benefits equivalent to Medicaid for 8 months
- A Single adult with income at or below $614 per month living in Southwestern Connecticut or $505 per month living outside southwestern Connecticut.
Income guidelines for Husky C:
Househould Size by Region |
Changes To Connecticut Medicaid Eligibility Guidelines For Parents
In 2014, childless adults became eligible for Medicaid coverage as a result of the ACAs expansion of Medicaid. The federal government initially paid the full cost for this newly-eligible population, although the states began paying a portion of the cost in 2017, and now pay 10% of the cost . This program Medicaid expansion under the ACA is not changing.
But HUSKY A eligibility guidelines have changed for parents with dependent children. In an effort to trim costs, the state reduced the upper income limit for HUSKY A from 201% of the poverty level to 155% of the poverty level . For new enrollees, the change was effective August 1, 2015. For existing enrollees, the change became effective August 31, 2015 if they did not have earned income from a job. For those who did have earned income from a job, the new eligibility guidelines became effective August 1, 2016.
The state noted that parents who were dropped from the HUSKY A rolls had access to subsidized coverage through Access Health CT, but advocates pointed out that there are considerably higher out-of-pocket costs for private plans in the exchange than there are with Medicaid. The Connecticut Mirror reported that as of September 11, 2015, only 140 out of 800 people who had lost coverage at the end of August had enrolled in new coverage through Access Health CT.
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Looking For A Connecticut Dentist That Accepts Husky Dental Look No Further Than Dr Dental
Dr. Dental accepts Husky Dental insurance, and our team will work with your to optimize your plan features in accordance with our own services. Every single Dr. Dental office in Connecticut offers Husky Dental, and all of our dentists will gladly provide all the features and benefits of the plan.
In addition to Dr. Dentals partnership with Husky Health, we also are the preferred provider for many top insurance companies in the United States, including Aetna, Metlife, Principal, BCBC, Anthem, Cigna and many others. Whether you have public assistance or private coverage, Dr. Dental will work with you to ensure the best possible customer service experience not to mention the finest dental care in Connecticut and beyond!
Our Office Locations page shows all of the greater Connecticut Dr. Dental offices & includes dentists that accept Husky in Connecticut. For more information about how Dr. Dental can help you get the most out of your Husky Dental coverage, please call any of our offices at 776-9833, or feel free to stop in to one of our Connecticut dental clinics today! With more than 15 Dr. Dental offices in Connecticut, were here to serve you today! Thanks for visiting our website.
Please take a look at the following resource for more information on Medicaid Dental Care In Connecticut:
Now offering online payment options for your convenience!
A Guide To Navigating Husky In Connecticut In 2020
In Connecticut, both Medicaid and the Childrens Health Insurance Program are part of a larger program run by the Department of Social Services called HUSKY. HUSKY is comprised of four different plans A, B, C & D and each plan has its own eligibility requirements. As with all things relating to insurance, knowing what you do and dont qualify for can get complicated, which is why well be breaking down the basics so you know what plan is right for you.
Please note that the incomes listed are to be used as a guide and are up-to-date as of March 1, 2020. They may not reflect the exact values DSS uses to determine eligibility, as these figures change on a yearly basis.
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Need Affordable Health Insurancelearn More About The Health Insurance Marketplace & Coverage Options
If you need insurance or may be eligible for Medicaid/Husky, GDCHC may be able to help. Many people are eligible for some form of less expensive health coverage through through Access Health CT, Connecticut’s new health insurance marketplace. These options include Husky/Medicaid, tax-credit subsidies, and more competitive private insurance plans.
Our Certified Application Counselors are available to help you apply for health insurance/Husky and learn your options.
You can make an appointment from 9:00am – 5:00pm at one of our offices in Danbury to meet with a Certified Application Counselor. Our trained representatives will be available to answer questions, address any concerns, and assist with enrollment or updating your applications.
To learn more and schedule an eligibility appointment, please contact our Outreach / Enrollment Team at 448-2668.
How To Enroll In Medicaid In Connecticut
To apply for HUSKY A, B or D:
- Online at, under Get Health Coverage
To apply for HUSKY C and Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities:
- Online at, under Apply for Benefits
- By mail: print an application in English or Spanish and mail it to DSS ConneCT Scanning Center, P.O. Box 1320, Manchester, Connecticut 06045-1320. For help completing the form, call 1-855-626-6632.
- For long-term care benefits, complete an application in English or Spanish and submit it to the Long-Term Care Application Center for your county.
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How To Apply For Medicaid
Enter your zip code to get started.
Medicaid is a United States health care program aimed towards assisting low-income families. Requirements to participate in the Medicaid program vary in different states. Medicaid in Connecticut assists in issues such as pregnancy, some cancers, uninsured children and health coverage for refugees. However, different types of insurance covers in this package have particular requirements that potential participants must meet. Just like any other state/federal funded programs, most Connecticut Medicaid plans have income restrictions in regards to the federal poverty level .
Connecticut Medicaid program is a state/federal health insurance plan solely administered by the Connecticut Department of Social Services . This program is currently known as HUSKY C and HUSKY D under the new HUSKY Health Plan which was implemented in January 2012. HUSKY C formerly referred to as Title 19 program provides medical and long term health care for low income elderly Connecticut residents aged 65 and above. Individuals with special needs and families with dependent children aged 18 to 64 who do not qualify for Supplemental Security Income also qualify. HUSKY D formerly known as Medicaid for Low Income Adults covers low income Connecticut residents aged between 19 and 64 who do not have dependent children and are not disabled.
Connecticut A Frontrunner In Medicaid Expansion
Connecticut is one of 38 states and DC that have expanded Medicaid coverage to childless adults through an optional component of the Affordable Care Act. .
Connecticut took a two-step approach to expansion. In 2010, the state launched its HUSKY D program by transitioning very low-income adults from the State Administered General Assistance medical program into Medicaid. In 2014, it further expanded coverage for childless adults by raising the income limit to 138% of FPL, utilizing federal funding from the ACA to increase the eligibility threshold.
In January 2014, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that about 286,000 people in Connecticut were uninsured. KFF also estimated that, with Medicaid expansion, about 38% of those 286,000 would qualify for either Medicaid or CHIP. In an October 2014 press release, Access Health CT estimated that 147,000 Connecticut residents were still uninsured.
Medicaid enrollment through Access Health CT was 138,908 during the first open enrollment period, but grew substantially to 277,336 during the second open enrollment period. After that, HHS stopped reporting how many people had enrolled in Medicaid through the exchanges.
But as of May 2021, 951,963 people were covered by HUSKY Health, up from 634,518 total enrollees in 2013. As noted above, this growth was driven primarily by Medicaid expansion coupled with the COVID pandemic.
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There Are Some Limitations To Services For Husky B Members
HUSKY Plus offers additional services for some HUSKY B children with special physical health care needs, while mental health and substance abuse treatment services are available through the Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership. HUSKY B members are also responsible for cost-sharing for certain services. Please visit our member page for more information.
For more information:
How Does Medicaid Provide Financial Assistance To Medicare Beneficiaries In Connecticut
Many Medicare beneficiaries receive Medicaid financial assistance that can help them with Medicare premiums, lower prescription drug costs, and pay for expenses not covered by Medicare including long-term care.
Our guide to financial assistance for Medicare enrollees in Connecticut includes overviews of these programs, including Medicaid long-term care benefits, Extra Help, and eligibility guidelines for assistance.
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What Is Husky Insurance Called
HUSKY Health is administered by the Department of Social Services in partnership with Access Health CT, Connecticut’s health insurance marketplace, in HUSKY Health enrollment. To learn about the different parts of HUSKY, please visit the How to Qualify page of this site. To apply, please visit the How to Apply page.
Husky / Insurance Enrollment
Health centers will see all people, regardless of ability to pay. Uninsured patients pay on a sliding fee scale based on their income – and then they are directed to a health center staff person who can help them enroll in a plan!
All health centers in Connecticut have on-site Certified Application Counselors , who help people enroll in HUSKY/Medicaid and Access Health CT insurance plans.
Through funding from HRSA and the State of CT Department of Social Services, CHCACT facilitates training/technical assistance for CACs, helps troubleshoot individual cases, identifies and works to resolve systemic issues, and acts as a liaison with relevant state agencies.
For more information about HUSKY/insurance enrollment, contact .
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The Application Process The First Step In Finding Husky Dental Providers In Ct
Husky D Dental is administered under Husky Health Insurance, and there are four categories of coverage:
Husky A Available for most Connecticut teens, parents, caregivers and pregnant women. This is the most common of all Husky Healthcare packages.
Husky B Many states carry their own CHIP program , and Connecticuts Husky Health Plan B meets the requirements for children and teens up to the age of 19. Similar to the Husky A plan, but for individuals and families with slightly higher income levels. Husky reserves the right to adjust qualifying income levels on a yearly basis make sure you check the latest income bracket to get a better idea of your Husky dental plan options.
Husky C Medicaid for Connecticut residents with disabilities. If youre familiar with Connecticut state health benefits, its commonly called Medicaid for the Aged, Blind & Disabled. The Husky Health C plan is for adults over the age of 65.
Husky D This level is Medicaid for the lowest-income residents of Connecticut. If youve been out of work for a while, have a minimum wage job or dont have a steady source of income, the Husky D plan might be the best option.
If youre applying for the Husky Health C plan , please visit Connect CT website. You can also visit a DSS field office.
Regardless of how you apply to find quality care from Husky dentists, the plan providers will answer any questions you have.
A Guide To Navigating Husky In Connecticut For 2021
In Connecticut, both Medicaid and the Childrens Health Insurance Program are part of a larger program run by the Department of Social Services called HUSKY. HUSKY is comprised of four different plans A, B, C & D and each plan has its own eligibility requirements. As with all things relating to insurance, knowing what you do and dont qualify for can get complicated, which is why well be breaking down the basics, so you know what plan is right for you.
Please note that the incomes listed are to be used as a guide and are up to date as of June 30, 2021. They may not reflect the exact values DSS uses to determine eligibility, as these figures change on a yearly basis.
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Medicaid And Chip Services Husky Health For Connecticut Children & Adults
**The Covered Connecticut Program may provide free health coverage if you dont qualify for HUSKY Health/Medicaid. Please visit
**HAS YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION CHANGED? Dont miss important communications regarding your benefits. Update your contact information online now! If youre a HUSKY A, B or D member, go to and sign in to your account. If youre a HUSKY C member, go to or and sign in to your MyAccount.
**HUSKY A, C and D members can receive free rides to and from scheduled COVID-19 vaccination appointments with 48 hours notice by calling the Veyo Contact Center at 855-478-7350 .
**Your HUSKY Health coverage will be extended automatically for the duration of the public health emergency, as long as you are a Connecticut resident and want coverage.
**Special COVID-19 information & resources for HUSKY Health members, including the Nurse Helpline: For HUSKY Health providers: